By Jalol Khodjaev - Senior Consultant
and Osas Ohenhen - Associate Business Development
Key highlights
The global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market slowed in 2022 with a 35% drop in transaction values. In this context a significant number of management consulting firms providing M&A services as well as pure M&A advisory firms (hereafter together referred to as "M&A consulting firms") experienced negative financial impacts.
Despite declining revenues, M&A consulting firms were cautious in making immediate adjustments to employee compensation. The surveyed firms made minimal to moderate changes to base pay, with variable pay adjustments fluctuating among firms, mostly due to differences in bonus structures. Adjustments to additional benefits (i.e. equity-related pay, allowances, pension plan, non-cash benefits) were minimal.
In 2023, M&A consulting firms may encounter difficulties in attaining well-balanced compensation for their workforce, as the market remains uncertain due to global recession fears and rising interest rates.
Less than half of the M&A consulting firms surveyed plan to raise base pay for employees, while the remaining firms have no intention to implement changes here.
Most firms will keep performance-based bonuses (Bonus 1) unchanged in 2023. About one-third of firms have no plans to change firm-based bonuses (Bonus 2), while the remaining firms appear uncertain about future actions regarding this bonus. Only few firms intend to increase Bonus 3, which derives from the M&A team’s bonus pool.
A majority of firms (over 70%) maintained existing allowances and pension plans, while a small percentage introduced equity-pay (less than 10%) and non-cash benefits (less than 20%) to their compensation plans.
Global M&A activity declined in late 2022 due to economic and financing hurdles, such as inflation, higher interest rates, reduced leveraged finance, bond-market concerns, and the potential for a recession.
Vencon Research reached out to M&A consulting firms operating in Western and Central Europe to understand the impact of the economic and financial downturn on their businesses and, potentially, on their workforce and compensation.
In this article, we will explore the survey’s findings, gaining insights into the approaches M&A consulting firms employed to mitigate the repercussions of challenging market conditions on the workforce.
Global M&A activities slowed substantially in the second half of 2022
The total value of M&A transactions globally fell 35% in 2022 from 2021’s record high, to USD 3,390 billion (refer to Graph 1.). That is the biggest year-over-year percentage drop since 2001, a year when the U.S. economy slid into a recession and the value of global transactions plunged approximately 50%, to USD 1, 866 billion.
The outlook for 2023 still remains clouded for global M&A business due to global recession fears and rising interest rates as national central banks try to curb the inflation in many regions. The estimated year-end transaction volume for 2023 is USD 2,153 billion, which would be 37% lower than the 2022 values.
Market conditions had varying impact on M&A
Vencon Research’s survey results showed that market conditions have had varying impact on the M&A business of M&A consulting firms. A significant number of firms (> 60%) experienced a slightly negative impact, while a small portion (<10%) reported a very negative impact. Interestingly, the firms involved in transactions ranging between €5 to €25 million and €25 to €100 million were the ones that experienced the highest proportion of negative impacts. Roughly a quarter of the firms reported experiencing insignificant impact.
The majority of participants witnessed a decline in the demand for their M&A services. Furthermore, nearly half of the firms reported a decrease in the number of M&A deals and transactions, while approximately one-third of the firms experienced a decline in their overall M&A revenue. None of the firms reported an increase in their M&A revenue.
Graph 1. Value and number of global M&A transactions [1]

M&A consulting firms cautious in adjusting workforce compensation
Retaining top-performers, ensuring financial well-being of employees, as well as maintaining attractiveness for young talent during such economic and financial turmoil was a pressing challenge for M&A consulting firms, as they were forced to make significant cuts in expenses to minimize the negative impact on the overall health of their businesses. Potentially this included adjustments to employee compensation. As such cuts could lead to growing resentment among employees and a high turnover rate, many M&A consulting firms were rather cautious and selective when making compensation adjustments.
Adjustments to base pay (fixed salary)
Less than half of the M&A consulting firms surveyed implemented a moderate increase in base pay for their entry to mid-level employees[2], with only a small percentage (<10%) opting for significant raises at this level. At approximately one-third of the firms, senior employees[3] experienced a moderate rise in their base pay. None of the surveyed firms opted to reduce base pay.
However, a considerable number of M&A consulting firms (around 70%) chose not to make any changes to base pay for senior employees, whereas nearly half of the firms applied a similar approach with respect to base pay for entry to mid-level employees. It can be inferred that these firms viewed unstable financial and market conditions as a temporary phenomenon. Consequently, they approached base pay adjustments with caution, recognizing that once implemented, these changes may be challenging to reverse when the situation stabilizes and returns to its previous levels.
Adjustments to variable pay (bonuses)
The survey findings revealed that M&A consulting firms had diverse variable pay/bonus structures. Therefore the adjustments made to this compensation component varied.
For the purpose of this research and for effective comparison, we have defined three types of variable pay/bonus:
Bonus 1 (also known as personal or individual bonus): This refers to a financial reward granted to an individual employee based on personal performance or contribution to the firm. It is typically independent of a bonus pool and is not directly linked to the overall performance of the firm or a specific business area. Such bonuses are awarded based on the achievement of personal KPIs.
Bonus 2 (also known as firm-performance or firm-based bonus): This type of bonus is awarded to an individual employee based on the financial success of the firm. It may be determined by factors such as profitability, revenue growth, or the attainment of other firm-wide metrics. The award can be a portion of a bonus pool allocated to employees or a percentage of the firm’s EBIT or similar financial indicators. The distribution of this bonus category may consider factors such as job role, career level, and other relevant considerations.
Bonus 3: This bonus category involves a share of the overall bonus pool or a separate/dedicated bonus pool specifically allocated to the M&A team. The size of the bonus pool, allocation, or similar factors is typically determined by various criteria, including the successful completion of M&A transactions, meeting or exceeding performance metrics of the M&A team, achieving targets or KPIs, and other relevant indicators.
Note: In pure M&A advisory firms Bonus 2 (firm-based bonus) and Bonus 3 (bonus allocated from bonus pool) are not considered as separate, but rather refer to the same concept.
Among the M&A consulting firms surveyed, Bonus 1 was frequently granted to entry to mid-level employees, while Bonus 3 was more commonly provided to senior employees. A majority of the firms offered a combination of bonuses to their M&A teams. Approximately 40% of the firms provided all three bonus components (Bonus 1, Bonus 2, and Bonus 3) to their senior employees, whereas only a quarter of the firms afforded the same offerings to entry to mid-level employees. Around 40% of the firms offered a combination of two bonuses (Bonus 1+Bonus 2, Bonus 1+Bonus 3, Bonus 2+Bonus 3) to employees in both groups. The remaining surveyed firms offered either Bonus 1 (over 15% - exclusively for entry to mid-level employees), or Bonus 2 (less than 10% - exclusively for senior employees), or Bonus 3 (less than 10% - offered to both groups).
In terms of adjustments to Bonus 1, most M&A consulting firms (above 70%) made no changes, despite the challenging economic and financial conditions. Only some firms (20%) moderately decreased Bonus 1 for senior-level employees. The remaining few firms either made moderate increases to Bonus 1 or implemented significant reductions to it.
As for Bonus 2, approximately half of the M&A consulting firms implemented a moderate decrease for entry to mid-level employees, while around 40% of the firms did the same for senior-level employees. One-third of the firms chose not to make any changes to Bonus 2 for entry to mid-level employees, while around 50% of the firms took a similar approach for senior employees. Less than one-fifth of the firms opted for a moderate increase in Bonus 2 for both groups. A significant portion of the surveyed firms made no changes to Bonus 2.
Finally, for Bonus 3, over half of the M&A consulting firms opted for a moderate decrease for entry to mid-level employees, while the remaining firms maintained the bonus at the same level. On the other hand, approximately 40% of the firms implemented moderate and/or significant decreases in Bonus 3 for senior employees, while the remaining firms made no changes to the bonus for the same level.
Adjustment to additional benefits (i.e. equity-related pay, allowances, pension plans)
Roughly half of the surveyed firms provide additional benefits, either separately or in combination, primarily for their senior employees. Across all surveyed M&A consulting firms, the adjustments made to equity and additional benefits were minimal in magnitude. This can be attributed, to some extent, to the fact that only a small number of companies included these additional benefits in their offerings to the workforce.
Outlook for 2023: expectations and future changes in compensation
The global M&A business outlook for 2023 remains uncertain due to fears of a global recession and rising interest rates introduced by central banks to curb inflation in many regions. This gloomy perspective is unfortunately maintained when looking at statistical data on 2023 M&A activity so far. A report from the GlobalData Insurance Intelligence Center reveals a significant decline of M&A deals by 44% to USD 413 billion in Q1 2023, down from $744 billion in Q1 2022. The year-end deal volume projected for 2023 is anticipated to reach USD 2,153 billion - a significant decrease of 37% compared to the figure recorded in 2022. This indicated that ensuring well-balanced compensation for the workforce may remain a pressing challenge for M&A consulting firms.
Vencon Research’s survey revealed that just under half of the M&A consulting firms intended to raise base pay for entry, mid-level and senior employees, while the remainder had no plans to adjust base pay at any level.
Despite the financial uncertainty, the majority of firms (over 60%) intended to keep performance-based bonuses (Bonus 1) unchanged in 2023.
As far as firm-based bonuses (Bonus 2), many M&A consulting firms (over 60%) did not provide a response. It appears challenging for them to accurately anticipate their firms’ performance in 2023. Nevertheless, about one-third of firms indicated no intention to make any changes to Bonus 2.
In terms of Bonus 3, which is allocated from an M&A team's bonus pool, few firms (<20%) reported an intention to increase it. However, the rest of the firms intended no changes or found it difficult to provide a definitive answer due to the prevailing uncertainties.
Regarding additional benefits, the majority of firms (over 70%) intended not to make any changes to allowances and pension plans, while the rest faced difficulties in providing a definitive answer. However, a small number of firms (less than 10%) introduced equity-pay, and non-cash benefits (less than 20%) as a new component in their compensation plans, while others either didn't offer these components, mentioned no changes, or didn't respond.
Vencon Research Advisory
Should you or your team seek further guidance on how your firm can adjust, or your competitors have adjusted, compensation strategies amid challenging market conditions, please reach out to us here at Vencon Research. We are, as always, eager to assist you and provide valuable insights.
Please note that the survey insights are based on the analysis of a carefully chosen group of survey participants. Therefore, while the report may provide valuable insights, it is important to acknowledge that it may not offer a comprehensive representation of all M&A consulting firms. However, the information regarding compensation structures, including the bonus pool, remains highly relevant and can still provide valuable insights for a wide range of M&A consulting firms.
1. The Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances (IMAA),
2. GlobalData Insurance Intelligence Center,
[1] Data for 2023 is estimated
[2] Entry to mid-level employees (from Analyst to Manager levels)
[3] Senior employees (from Senior Manager to Partner/Managing Director)